Monday, August 30, 2010


Sign Up with your...

Penguin Name
Blog/website if you have one
Penguin Age (This won't effect your sign-up, we just want to know, and its OPTIONAL)
Anything else you want to write!


-Snugle Love


  1. Hey Snugle Love! :) I never came to your last time, because I didn't have any time, but this time I'm SURE to go to every meeting, if I can make it.

    I really want to join Reality Rockhopper Island is because I really want to have fun with it. Last time, I didn't go to any of your meetings, but this time a plan to do so. I want to work hard, and have a positive attitude throughout the whole contest. If I DO get in, and there is a prize for winner, I will not brag, or try to get that prize. I just want to do it for the FUN in it! I hope that you conciser me for the contest, and I hope you consider me for the contest, and may the best penguin WIN!

  2. Cool! I won! But whats with the alien looking thing LOL.

  3. Sorry! I'm in middle school now. Tones of homework. Drives me nuts! I'll try! YAY!! I WAS IN THE TOP THREE! WOO! LOLZ!
    Air 214
    Idk like 400 days
    I'm quarky and random! I miss my dear friends Snuggle Love,Joestine,and Geng20!!! I wish that you could still be with us! Even you won't be the same Snuggle Love... :_( But at least your still here :)

  4. Whizzbobrox
    About 400 :)
    Umm.. Im awesome? :D (We all knew tht) I like doing stuff
